This section contains selected resources that have been chosen to support further exploration of the topic. The majority are most suitable for medical providers; some will also be useful to patients and their families.

The list of Roles & Responsibilities provides a description of the specialists involved in the delivery of medical genetic services. (It is not a listing of individual practitioners in these disciplines.)

Genetic Counseling describes what occurs in a genetic counseling session.

Online Links are provided to selected websites. By no means a comprehensive listing of resources available on the internet, these sites contain extensive repositories of related content, as well as links in turn to other resources. (This is an expanded version of the resource list in the Viewers Guide.)

The Online Search page facilitates searching the internet for other websites and listings of relevance to the topic. It offers pre-selected search strings likely to return relevant results, as well as the option to perform free-form search queries.

The Online News page facilitates a review of recently published (30 minutes to 30 days) news stories of relevance, from both popular and professional press worldwide.

Selected Offline Materials, such as books and journal articles, are listed on this page. (This is an expanded version of the resource list in the Viewers Guide.)

Please review the website policies on content provided from, or accessed via, this website.

Please Note: Most items available for download from this website have been provided in PDF format. You will need the free Acrobat Reader from Adobe to view and print these files on either a Macintosh or PC. If you do not already have the Acrobat Reader you may download it for free by clicking here.

This page last updated December 9, 2003